Work Skills Training

NEW Work SkillsWe provide a variety of programs that assess and identify an individual’s abilities, vocational interests, job readiness skills and training needs, while offering individual assistance from staff members.

Tools needed for the work force.Vocational Assessment and Evaluation Services provides individualized services based on the expressed needs of an individual. These services determine vocational strengths and identify limitations, interest, work behaviors, training needs and suitable areas of employment. This individualized approach allows individuals to achieve their vocational goals.

Work Adjustment provides individualized situational assessments and training designed to assist individuals in developing work attitudes, work behaviors and work characteristics, and to understand the demands of work. Participant’s skills increase through training in facility-based and community-based business enterprises. Upon completion, an individual is prepared to enter competitive employment.

Individual Training provides assessment and goal-setting as participants explore 50-plus different vocational training kits that focus on skills needed for the world of work. Participant’s skills increase through training in facility-based business enterprises.CDC helps many individuals to become skilled in whatever area of expertise that may further benefit themselves, the community and provide a better life.

Group Training allows participants to hone their skills in community-based business enterprises with options to work in a mobile janitorial crew, a retail store work crew, or a material handling crew.

Coaching Skills provides assessment, career planning, job development and job matching, and placement assistance through on-the-job training. Services are provided by trained vocational coaching specialists who assist both employees and employers during training and by providing ongoing support. All participants in the Employment Skills Training program must be referred through an agency. The program is time-limited for those who desire employment and need additional skills to be successful on the job.Invest in skills development for a brighter future.

Training Programs

Occupational Skills Training – Our organization works closely with local employers to develop in-depth programs that prepare people for jobs in specific industries such as banking, call centers, hospitality, and construction.

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